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GP Loyalty Rewards Program

Here's How It Works:

1. Sign Up

Sign up in store or online.

2. Place Sticker

Once your RFID sticker is placed on your windshield, you'll be eligible to start earning rewards.

3. Earn Rewards!

Earn GP Cash on every purchase made and receive access to exclusive discounts and promotions.

Loyalty Rewards Program


Loyalty Rewards Program Perks:

Get 3% GP Cash on Every Purchase!

Your Car’s Care Now Comes with Cash Back

Visit for an Oil Change and Leave With Rewards

Wouldn’t it be nice if every time you gave your car some TLC, you got a little love in return? That’s exactly what happens with Grease Pro’s GP Loyalty Rewards Program. Each oil change, car wash, or repair not only ensures the longevity of your vehicle but also boosts your savings with GP Cash rewards. Think about it—you already visit us for your oil changes because you value your vehicle, but with our program, those visits become even more rewarding. It’s a practical, straightforward way to earn back every time you invest in your car’s care and just our way of saying ‘thank you’ for stopping by.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the loyalty program?

The Loyalty Rewards Program is a free program offering exclusive discounts and rewards for our members. Simply sign up in store or online to receive your RFID membership sticker and begin earning rewards.

Can I have more than one vehicle on my GP Loyalty Rewards account?

Absolutely! Whether you’re running the house and responsible for making sure all of the family cars are clean and running great or you only have one car to care for, you can manage it all within your member profile.

Can I use my GP Cash in addition to other discounts or offers?

Yes, you can use your GP Cash in addition to other discounts or save it up and use it whenever you’d like.

What can I use my GP Cash for?

Your GP Cash can be used towards any purchase of products or services you make at Grease Pro Inc. (Exclusions outlined in terms and conditions)

Can I transfer my points to someone else’s account?

No. Your points are associated with your account only and cannot be transferred.

Will my GP Cash ever expire?

If your account is not active (meaning no purchase activity) for a 24 month period, your GP Cash will expire. Once GP Cash expires, it can not be reinstated.